About Us
We are a local network aiming to address whānau violence here in Wairoa. Our aim is to provide a strength based, tikanga Māori approach to encourage and support whānau in Wairoa to live violence free lives.
We will be responsible for providing a range of prevention, early intervention and postvention initiatives and services for Wairoa.
Mission Statement
Te tukutuku o te mahi tahi – roughly means that it is never too late for us to fix our mistakes. If we find ourselves heading down a destructive path in life that is hurting ourselves and/or our whānau, it is indeed possible to remedy our actions/behaviours (by unravelling back to the place where things were tika). We believe that this state of tika (where things are on track and going well) can be achieved with the right support, effort, and time.
E Tū Wairoa Nurtures & Celebrates
- Te Ao Māori taking responsibility and action to create positive change
- Doing things that make whānau strong
- Tikanga and traditional values (drawing on rich and powerful traditions)
- Kahukura; the people that inspire change in whānau and communities